Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Staying Optimistic During the Dark Days

    I would like to think that I am a pretty optimistic and rational person, but just like most other people sometimes I temporarily loose my mind in private. I am exaggerating here a little bit of coarse.
But, I find it natural every now and then to just let all the negative emotions and anxieties out of my system so I am not overcome by them completely. In all actuality  I really am a hopeful person and I know that things just end up working out the way they are meant to and maintaing a positive attitude makes all the difference. I don't mean to sound like a Disney movie but, this is really what I feel in my heart.But, still, back to the private breaking down episodes.

    I'm talking about before I go to bed when I end up lying awake for five hours thinking about every possible negative thing going on in my life and which negative thing I think may jeopardize my future. I am referring to the silent and awkward bus rides, doctors office waiting rooms or grocery store lines that give me the time to zone out and hell dream myself senseless until all I want to do is go home and stay in bed for the rest of the day or until I  have to show up at work again and pretend everything is alright.

    Yes, dwelling on current problems is not healthy but, I think we all have our days.
I have been going through some particularly rough times. But, I would not say I am depressed or discouraged. I am just ready to start living my life. I feel tied down and I want to break free so bad. But, baby steps...
I am slowly taking care of the things I need too in order to work towards realizing my goals, I just need to work on my patience and not worry about the things I cannot control.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu
Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)

Anyways, I have come up with a list of things I can do to keep me distracted and feeling positive/productive whenever I have the urge to dwell on my current problems/set-backs or have trouble being patient that everything will fall into place and get better.

1)Practice my Spanish (because I am spending several weeks in Costa Rica someday where i will learn how to surf at, chica surf, the only all girls surf school in Costa Rica.)

2)Read (because I love reading, it improves vocabulary and writing. Also, some books can improve and literally change your life! :)

3)Work on writing my book (My dream is to become a published author after-all!)

4) Work out ( I have been post-poning channeling my self-discipline to reach my fitness goals for a long time now. I also would like to look like a fitness model when I go to Costa Rica and learn how to surf. :) ha ha

So, their you have it! I just listed four positive and inexpensive ways for me to pass the time and feel like I did something productive with my day instead of wallowing in self-pity or pouting because I don't have everything I want right now.
Besides, these are just my dog days and the journey the dog days has to offer me will make some great stories later in life when I've reached my next destination.


  1. Great Post! I needed to read this today because I am having a very rough day & I'm trying to keep my mind of my troubles. We all know that its best to stay postive & thats the life I'm trying to live now. I understand your frustration with feeling tied down, sometimes I just want to run away, I feel like thats the only way I can get a vacation lol.

    Heres what I do sometimes: When I'm feeling sad (like today) I give myself an alloted time-slot to be sad & negative (ex. 1hr)then when that hour is up...no more dwelling on that particular subject again, you had your moment to be sad, now move on. It works for me :-)

    Girl, if you ever go to costa rica or anywhere to surf...take me with you!! Great list on being productive in off time :-)

    Sorry for the extra long comment. lol

  2. Oh no apologies! I love your comments lol
    I will definitely bring you with me if we can plan a trip to costa rica. I think it would be fun to go with a friend.
    I am going to borrow your idea as far as giving yourself a small amount of alloted time to just let all of the negative feelings out. I like that..to many times it has turned into an all day thing for me. Thanks for the comment girl. :)
