Monday, February 20, 2012

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

Okay, I know I have already posted three of my goodreads reviews on my blog for the Hunger Games trilogy, but I just have to post one more blog detailing just how much I love this series! First of all, I wanted to bring out the fact that the effects of war in this fictitious novel is not so far off from what people are experiencing today in third world countries or presently in Syria. The effects of war, whether it is two waring nations or a civil war against a dictatorship, is very real and hard to imagine for me. I wouldnt go as far as saying that we live in a sheltered society here in the U.S., especially after what happend on 9/11, but their are other countries that deal with war in their own backyards instead of only on their television sets. I have never really thought about how it would really affect me if I was born certain times in different parts of the world instead of in 1987 in the U.S. That is, until I read the Hunger Games Trilogy.You really start to think about what you would do in certain life or death situations and the kind of society that could put their own children through what they did in the bloody ritual Suzanne Collins created in this story. I also found it interesting that her inspiration for the book came from channel surfing between the reality TV channels and coverage on the war in Iraq. That makes this book even more special to me because it explains why I could just become completely in tune with what was going on. I felt it was telling a timeless tale of war and fighting for the freedom of a nation but, at the same time their was a modern almost pop-culture part of my brain that was satisfied and instantly in tune with the way the story was written. I also enjoyed the negative spin on reality TV and how it could be used for mindless meaningless entertainment in the book or for cruel cryptic messages and influence as well. I will definitely be re-reading these books before each movie is released. I can't wait to see the movie and I really hope they live up to the realism and gore (even though sad at sometimes) and make a great movie adaptation! If you have not read this book you definitely should stop by the book store and just open it. I promise you won't be able to leave the store without it!

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