Monday, February 20, 2012

Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

This book was the perfect follow-up to the Hunger Games. I mean, the aftermath and fall out after what the main characters had to deal with in the first book is so perfectly depicted in this second book that I was on the edge of my seat reading it. The second book is very intense and pulls you into the drama surrounding the tortured and neglected citizens of the 12 districts who are barely surviving and then shedding more light on the naiive, sheltered and spoiled rotten citizens of the shining capitol.I was also introduced to just how evil President Snow really is and I was horrified that their struggle to stay survive was only just beginning after the first book. It was a great book! This series just kept getting better and better! Suzanne Collins is an amazing story-teller! After reading this book I doubt I will ever write something as amazing and captivating as this story! I will definitely be re-reading it!

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