I loved this book! I kept hearing about how amazing this book was and that it was coming to theatres in March this year. I also heard it was way better than the twilight series and just as amazing if not even more so than the Harry Potter series. Now, I love Harry Potter and the Twilight Saga. (I am so team Edward! lol) But, this book had a little something different to offer and I must say that it was refreshing. First, I think the content is more for a more mature reader although it is a YA novel. I also found the very real circumstances and life altering situations the main characters had to deal with were very captivating. I swear my life stopped while reading this series. I couldn't do anything but, read this book once I finished the first chapter.
I absoloutely loved this book. It was a real page turner and kept me intrigued the whole time. Their wasn't a dull moment. Love, action, inner-dialogue, captivating characters and etc.
This is the best fiction novel I have read in a very long time!
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You do really great book reviews...makes me want to read it (even though I prob never will lol).