Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

I have a collection of inspiring books that I always keep on my nightstand so I can refer back to them whenever I am lacking in motivation. Sometimes I snatch this book off of my nightstand during my down time, in between the days events, and read my favorite paragraph or chapter. This is one of those books that offers simple wisdom that fills my mind body and soul-very refreshing.
When I was going through a really rough patch my aunt actually mailed me, The Four Agreements and The Mastery of Love, both by Don Miguel Ruiz. She told me that when she was going through a tough time in her life these two books really helped her pull through. Although I love the Mastery of Love as well I am just going to focus on, The Four Agreements today.

The Four Agreements stems from an ancient Toltec teaching that you can dream yourself out of a world of hell and into a world of heaven in this life just by abiding by these agreements.
The first is to, "be impeccable with your word"and emphasises on understanding that words have power and help mold the kind of world you make for yourself. I really appreciate how Ruiz reminded me of the "poisonous"  power that gossip has and that it can only ever really be used for evil. I felt that this agreement is one that everyone can learn from and it is also something that has been very detrimental to our society in my opinion. For instance, the gossip blogs, nosy celebrity paparazzi and those people we have all encountered who somehow seem to take pleasure in discussing the hardships or personal happenings of others. The agreement to be, "impeccable by your word" really resonated with me because I have experienced first hand what the damage from poisonous gossip can bring. Unfortunately, I have been on both ends and it's never very pretty. I've learned that I have to be careful about what I say because even when the poison has left my body the memory and constant worry that I will be infected again remains. So, just imagining that I could make someone else feel that way has been a sad realization for me. But, we all must learn from our mistakes. I think this is something that everyone should consciously work on.

The second agreement is, "don't take anything personally". I love this one because it reminded me that I never really know what is going on in someones life when they are being malicious or rude and it's up to me to block them from projecting their negativity on me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I believe their is always a line when someone could really be hurting you emotionally or disrupting your life but, most of the time I think I can let some of what folks say just roll off my shoulder. Ruiz really explains this agreement way better than I can but, I take it like this, when I meet rude grumps and crabby pants I don't need to take their behavior personally or take on their negative mood when I am not the real reason why they are upset in the first place. This has especially helped me with my habit of being a little to sensitive and worrying about pleasing others far to much.

The third agreement is, "don't make assumptions". Okay, I love love love this agreement because of how wonderfully it is described in the book of coarse and once again because I can personally relate to the negative effects of not honoring this agreement.  I mean, how many times have I blown something out of proportion and made matters worse-even creating a fictitious problem, all because I assumed something that wasn't true without just being assertive and finding out what the reality of the situation was in the first place. I love this one! Honoring this agreement is a very simple way to cut a lot of drama and unnecessary headache and hurt feelings out of your life.

The fourth and final agreement is, "always do your best". This is a great way to live your life day by day. I think I had forgotten that I am imperfect and just trying my best like everyone else to get through this life. Sometimes trying your best is just all you can muster in a turbulent life of unexpected ups and downs. I feel that if I or anyone else always at least tries their best day by day their is no way their life will not improve or become even more happy.
So, after reading this book three or four times I have to say that I am in love with this book and the author in a book lover kind of way. I keep in mind one part that encourages the reader to not be discouraged if they don't abide by every agreement perfectly. Ruiz points out that your best will change day by day due too different circumstances or other factors in your life, but, he says try your best from day today whatever your best is.
This is definitely a book that has pulled me out of rough patches (actually razor sharp dagger-like patches) and has infused my life with a renewed philosophy and optimism.
Thank you Don Miguel Ruiz! :)

Lovely Lady

1 comment:

  1. I definitely need to read this book & the first agreement "be impeccable with your word" is my favorite, because whatever we speak, we speak into exsistance. And if we are speaking negatively about anything or anyone we are creating a negative atmosphere.

    Great Review!!!
