Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tropical Adventures

I have the travel bug. My dad used to tell me stories about his travels throughout the U.S. and how he went to Europe for a while as well before he settled down and started his family and I hung on every word. I've always thought about how I want to travel and where I would go if I had the money and time. I remember when I was a young pre-teen I purchased, 1000 Places to Visit Before You Die by Patricia Schultz. You can check it out on I read every single page of that book and fell in love.I have always been interested in other cultures, languages and beautiful artifacts, ruins, wildlife and scenery native to other places on this earth. But, even in my own backyard, wherever I am living or visiting at the time, I have found some beautiful hiking trails offering a glimpse of a tranquil waterfall or a beautiful majestic view at the top of a mountain trail. I just enjoy exploring period and taking in new sights and experiences.

 I hope that one day I will be able to realize my dream and travel a whole lot more than I have been able too. I am the kind of person that would love to travel for a job and put the love, romance and babies on hold. (Not that I think you can't have a family or spouse if you want to travel for work but, I am just emphasizing the fact that, at this point in my life, I choose travel over everything else :) I met a lovely lady who played my mother in a play I was cast in last December and she works as a flight attendant for Delta. She recently sent me some information on how to apply and what to expect as a flight attendant. I think I am going to look into this career move soon. Especially since now I know I can still work around my school schedule. I also would love to fly for free and have the opportunity to write about my travel experiences.

But, the main purpose of this blog was to talk about, Tropical Adventures. I vaguely remembered a friend telling me that one of her creative partners was re-locating to Costa Rica so I decided to google, "moving to and visiting Costa Rica", one day out of boredom. I usually look up images of sunsets, waterfalls and mountains etc. in Hawaii when I am in the mood to fantasize that I am on vacation somewhere. But, I was blown away by the photos taken in Costa Rica. SO BEAUTIFUL!

I found a website that profiled expats who made Costa Rica their new home and I came across one about a man who moved to Costa Rica from California after visiting and being charmed by the friendly people that lived there. He started tropical adventures after he re-located. I followed a link to the website and immediately I was in love when I read the headline on the homepage, Tropical Adventures: Self Discovery Through Exploration.

Two of my favorite things in the world, exploring and personal growth! My jaw dropped and I eagerly read up on all the different programs they had.Travelers and volunteers can either stay at the Tropical Adventures center or they can stay with a host family. The point is to help out by volunteering while at the same time giving yourself a chance to really experience this different culture, practice the language and take part in fulfilling exciting work in a beautiful paradise-like setting.
Some of the volunteer, volontour and other tourist opportunities they have are: Osa In-Water Sea Turtle Project, Reptile and Animal Rescue Center, Family Travel, Group Travel, Indigenous Project, Ostional Sea Turtle Project, Day-care and Nutritional Center, Wildlife Rescue Center, Barra Honda National Park, Hojancha Art and Music, University Rep Program and Intern Opportunities.

I love the idea of taking part in a "cultural enrichment" volontour experience in another country-in another EXOTICALLY BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY! :)
I know that it may not be this year, but I am definitely going to make it to Costa Rica so I can participate and take part in this experience. I am so grateful for the internet!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Staying Optimistic During the Dark Days

    I would like to think that I am a pretty optimistic and rational person, but just like most other people sometimes I temporarily loose my mind in private. I am exaggerating here a little bit of coarse.
But, I find it natural every now and then to just let all the negative emotions and anxieties out of my system so I am not overcome by them completely. In all actuality  I really am a hopeful person and I know that things just end up working out the way they are meant to and maintaing a positive attitude makes all the difference. I don't mean to sound like a Disney movie but, this is really what I feel in my heart.But, still, back to the private breaking down episodes.

    I'm talking about before I go to bed when I end up lying awake for five hours thinking about every possible negative thing going on in my life and which negative thing I think may jeopardize my future. I am referring to the silent and awkward bus rides, doctors office waiting rooms or grocery store lines that give me the time to zone out and hell dream myself senseless until all I want to do is go home and stay in bed for the rest of the day or until I  have to show up at work again and pretend everything is alright.

    Yes, dwelling on current problems is not healthy but, I think we all have our days.
I have been going through some particularly rough times. But, I would not say I am depressed or discouraged. I am just ready to start living my life. I feel tied down and I want to break free so bad. But, baby steps...
I am slowly taking care of the things I need too in order to work towards realizing my goals, I just need to work on my patience and not worry about the things I cannot control.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu
Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)

Anyways, I have come up with a list of things I can do to keep me distracted and feeling positive/productive whenever I have the urge to dwell on my current problems/set-backs or have trouble being patient that everything will fall into place and get better.

1)Practice my Spanish (because I am spending several weeks in Costa Rica someday where i will learn how to surf at, chica surf, the only all girls surf school in Costa Rica.)

2)Read (because I love reading, it improves vocabulary and writing. Also, some books can improve and literally change your life! :)

3)Work on writing my book (My dream is to become a published author after-all!)

4) Work out ( I have been post-poning channeling my self-discipline to reach my fitness goals for a long time now. I also would like to look like a fitness model when I go to Costa Rica and learn how to surf. :) ha ha

So, their you have it! I just listed four positive and inexpensive ways for me to pass the time and feel like I did something productive with my day instead of wallowing in self-pity or pouting because I don't have everything I want right now.
Besides, these are just my dog days and the journey the dog days has to offer me will make some great stories later in life when I've reached my next destination.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

Okay, I know I have already posted three of my goodreads reviews on my blog for the Hunger Games trilogy, but I just have to post one more blog detailing just how much I love this series! First of all, I wanted to bring out the fact that the effects of war in this fictitious novel is not so far off from what people are experiencing today in third world countries or presently in Syria. The effects of war, whether it is two waring nations or a civil war against a dictatorship, is very real and hard to imagine for me. I wouldnt go as far as saying that we live in a sheltered society here in the U.S., especially after what happend on 9/11, but their are other countries that deal with war in their own backyards instead of only on their television sets. I have never really thought about how it would really affect me if I was born certain times in different parts of the world instead of in 1987 in the U.S. That is, until I read the Hunger Games Trilogy.You really start to think about what you would do in certain life or death situations and the kind of society that could put their own children through what they did in the bloody ritual Suzanne Collins created in this story. I also found it interesting that her inspiration for the book came from channel surfing between the reality TV channels and coverage on the war in Iraq. That makes this book even more special to me because it explains why I could just become completely in tune with what was going on. I felt it was telling a timeless tale of war and fighting for the freedom of a nation but, at the same time their was a modern almost pop-culture part of my brain that was satisfied and instantly in tune with the way the story was written. I also enjoyed the negative spin on reality TV and how it could be used for mindless meaningless entertainment in the book or for cruel cryptic messages and influence as well. I will definitely be re-reading these books before each movie is released. I can't wait to see the movie and I really hope they live up to the realism and gore (even though sad at sometimes) and make a great movie adaptation! If you have not read this book you definitely should stop by the book store and just open it. I promise you won't be able to leave the store without it!
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a very realistic ending to the Hunger Games trilogy. I found the ending very satisfying and touching. The kind of things the protagonist had to endure throughout this last book is perfectly and realisicly described but, still unpredictable. I felt that even though this is a work of fiction it stirred some serious reflection inside of me.
For all I know people in other countries dealing with wars or civil war right now might just view the people who live in the U.S. just like the characters who live in the districts who despise the citizens who live in the capitol. I know it's a work of fiction but, I mean it in the sense that some people here are more worried about getting their hair dyed or pouting over missing out on the latest epsiosde of jersey shore rather than just being content with the things in life that really matter, like your health and being able to live in peace with your loved ones.
The Hunger Games trilogy is officially my new favorite series. It touched all the right parts of my soul and I fell in love with all of the characters.

View all my reviews
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

This book was the perfect follow-up to the Hunger Games. I mean, the aftermath and fall out after what the main characters had to deal with in the first book is so perfectly depicted in this second book that I was on the edge of my seat reading it. The second book is very intense and pulls you into the drama surrounding the tortured and neglected citizens of the 12 districts who are barely surviving and then shedding more light on the naiive, sheltered and spoiled rotten citizens of the shining capitol.I was also introduced to just how evil President Snow really is and I was horrified that their struggle to stay survive was only just beginning after the first book. It was a great book! This series just kept getting better and better! Suzanne Collins is an amazing story-teller! After reading this book I doubt I will ever write something as amazing and captivating as this story! I will definitely be re-reading it!

View all my reviews
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I loved this book! I kept hearing about how amazing this book was and that it was coming to theatres in March this year. I also heard it was way better than the twilight series and just as amazing if not even more so than the Harry Potter series. Now, I love Harry Potter and the Twilight Saga. (I am so team Edward! lol) But, this book had a little something different to offer and I must say that it was refreshing. First, I think the content is more for a more mature reader although it is a YA novel. I also found the very real circumstances and life altering situations the main characters had to deal with were very captivating. I swear my life stopped while reading this series. I couldn't do anything but, read this book once I finished the first chapter.
I absoloutely loved this book. It was a real page turner and kept me intrigued the whole time. Their wasn't a dull moment. Love, action, inner-dialogue, captivating characters and etc.
This is the best fiction novel I have read in a very long time!

View all my reviews
The Half-Lived Life: Overcoming Passivity and Rediscovering Your Authentic SelfThe Half-Lived Life: Overcoming Passivity and Rediscovering Your Authentic Self by Lee, John
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book I feel is a book that can change your life if you feel it is relevant to your personal struggles. I personaly do struggle with passivity BIG TIME and I never thought I would find a book that described my condition so perfectly. I found most of the chapters very helpful and encouraging. I felt motivated to go out and live my life to the fullest with out settling. Turning your back on who you truly are only creates a more passive and unhappy version of yourself. This book is staying on my night stand so I can refer back to it now and again.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"A Sunday Kind Of Love" - Etta James

 I love Etta James and her soulful voice singing about love. I hope to find "a sunday kind of love."

Happy Valentine's Day!

Pink hearts, special dinner dates, hugs, flowers, cards, poems and the celebration of love period. I love Valentine's day.
 Here are some great love quotes. :)

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
~Helen Keller

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever."
~Alfred Lord Tennyson

"Love makes the wildest spirit tame, and the tamest spirit wild."
~Alexis Delp

"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven."
~Karen Sunde

"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."

My Valentine's day song this year...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

I have a collection of inspiring books that I always keep on my nightstand so I can refer back to them whenever I am lacking in motivation. Sometimes I snatch this book off of my nightstand during my down time, in between the days events, and read my favorite paragraph or chapter. This is one of those books that offers simple wisdom that fills my mind body and soul-very refreshing.
When I was going through a really rough patch my aunt actually mailed me, The Four Agreements and The Mastery of Love, both by Don Miguel Ruiz. She told me that when she was going through a tough time in her life these two books really helped her pull through. Although I love the Mastery of Love as well I am just going to focus on, The Four Agreements today.

The Four Agreements stems from an ancient Toltec teaching that you can dream yourself out of a world of hell and into a world of heaven in this life just by abiding by these agreements.
The first is to, "be impeccable with your word"and emphasises on understanding that words have power and help mold the kind of world you make for yourself. I really appreciate how Ruiz reminded me of the "poisonous"  power that gossip has and that it can only ever really be used for evil. I felt that this agreement is one that everyone can learn from and it is also something that has been very detrimental to our society in my opinion. For instance, the gossip blogs, nosy celebrity paparazzi and those people we have all encountered who somehow seem to take pleasure in discussing the hardships or personal happenings of others. The agreement to be, "impeccable by your word" really resonated with me because I have experienced first hand what the damage from poisonous gossip can bring. Unfortunately, I have been on both ends and it's never very pretty. I've learned that I have to be careful about what I say because even when the poison has left my body the memory and constant worry that I will be infected again remains. So, just imagining that I could make someone else feel that way has been a sad realization for me. But, we all must learn from our mistakes. I think this is something that everyone should consciously work on.

The second agreement is, "don't take anything personally". I love this one because it reminded me that I never really know what is going on in someones life when they are being malicious or rude and it's up to me to block them from projecting their negativity on me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I believe their is always a line when someone could really be hurting you emotionally or disrupting your life but, most of the time I think I can let some of what folks say just roll off my shoulder. Ruiz really explains this agreement way better than I can but, I take it like this, when I meet rude grumps and crabby pants I don't need to take their behavior personally or take on their negative mood when I am not the real reason why they are upset in the first place. This has especially helped me with my habit of being a little to sensitive and worrying about pleasing others far to much.

The third agreement is, "don't make assumptions". Okay, I love love love this agreement because of how wonderfully it is described in the book of coarse and once again because I can personally relate to the negative effects of not honoring this agreement.  I mean, how many times have I blown something out of proportion and made matters worse-even creating a fictitious problem, all because I assumed something that wasn't true without just being assertive and finding out what the reality of the situation was in the first place. I love this one! Honoring this agreement is a very simple way to cut a lot of drama and unnecessary headache and hurt feelings out of your life.

The fourth and final agreement is, "always do your best". This is a great way to live your life day by day. I think I had forgotten that I am imperfect and just trying my best like everyone else to get through this life. Sometimes trying your best is just all you can muster in a turbulent life of unexpected ups and downs. I feel that if I or anyone else always at least tries their best day by day their is no way their life will not improve or become even more happy.
So, after reading this book three or four times I have to say that I am in love with this book and the author in a book lover kind of way. I keep in mind one part that encourages the reader to not be discouraged if they don't abide by every agreement perfectly. Ruiz points out that your best will change day by day due too different circumstances or other factors in your life, but, he says try your best from day today whatever your best is.
This is definitely a book that has pulled me out of rough patches (actually razor sharp dagger-like patches) and has infused my life with a renewed philosophy and optimism.
Thank you Don Miguel Ruiz! :)

Lovely Lady

Friday, February 3, 2012

Lost Lady

12/28/11 Diary Entry

-All my life,for as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be someone else. Someone more clever, funny, pretty and loved by others. I have always felt that a few other people I knew were far more special and lovable then I was.  They just seemed to have something special that kept people coming back for more. People just loved being around them.  Although I was thoroughly entertained by them and felt blessed just to be close to them I always wondered what it was that they had which I lacked.  I wanted desperately to know what that special something was.  But, I could never figure it out.
I always felt like some homeless, nameless outsider with no genuine personality-sitting on the other side of the window-freezing and looking in, watching and observing them in awe and envy.
Was it the color of their skin, their hair, how they were raised or their extremely loving and coddling parents perhaps?  I wasn't sure. I just knew and honestly felt that they were better than me in some unspoken incredible way. 
 I felt that I was a petal in the wind, blowing around soft-fragile (maybe pretty if you looked hard enough) but, always quickly fleeting and forgotten. I felt ignored and over-looked and then finally very lonely, empty, confused and unfortunately-hopeless.
The only hope I felt was the kind of hope that is desperate.  A sad pathetic last effort to sort of try to "will" some magical life altering defining experience into my life that would change everything for the better.  But, life is not a fairy tale or Disney movie and that day never came...or if it did I am far to young immature and stupid to have caught on to it up to this point in my life.

This is a diary entry that I wrote near the end of 2011. When I finished writing it I decided I needed to start a blog. Sometimes I have to write my way out of whatever internal mess I am in with the hope that I will truly find myself again. Writing for therapy and self-discovery is especially important for me right now. That is what I like about the written word. It's the most blatant form of expression and it can be so honest that when I re-read certain passages I realize truths that I wasn't even aware were inside of me. I hope that I can open up a well of creativity and self-purpose through writing this blog.
I would also like to have a safe anonymous space to write about whatever interests me about the world and my writing progress.
Sometime towards the end of last year an old friend of mine sent me a message saying that when he looks into my eyes he sees a lost woman...I need to try to find out who I am and get to where I want to be. Hopefully, this blog will just be another tool to help me get there.
I don't want to be lost anymore...

Lovely Lady